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ATGAM Sterile Solution contains lymphocyte immune globulin, anti-thymocyte globulin
[equine]. It is the purified, concentrated, and sterile gamma globulin, primarily
monomeric IgG, from hyperimmune serum of horses immunized with human thymus
lymphocytes. ATGAM is a transparent to slightly opalescent aqueous protein solution. It
may appear colorless to faintly pink or brown and is nearly odorless.

ATGAM Sterile Solution is indicated for the management of allograft rejection in renal
transplant patients. When administered with conventional therapy at the time of rejection,
it increases the frequency of resolution of the acute rejection episode. The drug has also
been administered as an adjunct to other immunosuppressive therapy to delay the onset of
the first rejection episode. Data accumulated to date have not consistently demonstrated
improvement in functional graft survival associated with therapy to delay the onset of the
first rejection episode.
Aplastic Anemia
ATGAM is indicated for the treatment of moderate to severe aplastic anemia in patients
who are unsuitable for bone marrow transplantation.